Taxidermy ​
Adam M. Clossin's​​
Price List​
Below are prices for my most commonly mounted species. If the species you have is not listed below, call or email to inquire about pricing.
Professional Taxidermists interested in wholesale work, please email or call for pricing.
Shoulder Mounts
​Deer ​​​
​(Whitetail, Mule, Axis, Sika, Fallow) - $525.00
​Elk, Red Stag** - $1,000.00
​Black Bear* - $575.00
​Pronghorn - $550.00
(Corscian, Mouflon, etc.) - 550.00
(Bighorn, Dall) - $700.00
​​Mountain Goat - $700.00
​Wild Boar/Feral Hogs* - $575.00
Fox/Bobcat* - $275.00
Coyote* - $375.00
*Open Mouth - $125.00 extra. ​
​**Bugling Open Mouth - $175.00 extra
Life-Size Mammals
​(All Species) - $225.00
​Mink/Pine Marten - $250.00
​Weasel - $225.00
​Rabbit - $425.00
​Groundhog - $425.00
​Fox* - $650.00
​Coyote​* - $850.00
​Bobcat* - $650.00
Skunk - $475.00
​Muskrat - $250.00
​Rats - $200.00
(Fawns, Under 30lbs.) - $650.00
(Adult Deer) - $1,500.00-$2,000.00
(Up to 5 feet nose to tail tip) - $2,500.00
(each additional inch over 5 feet) - $40.00
​Beaver​ - $575.00
Otter - $650.00
Fisher - $475.00
*Open Mouth - $125.00 extra. ​
​(All Species) - $275.00
(All Species) - $550.00
(Standing) - $650.00
(Strutting) - $750.00​
(Flying) - $675.00
Pheasant​ - $250.00
​Grouse - $250.00
Quail - $200.00
Pigeon​ - $200.00
​Woodcock/Rail/Snipe - $225.00
​​Parakeet/Lovebird- $225.00
(Larger than parakeet) - $300.00 & up
Sparrows/Finches - $200.00
Trout, Salmon & Char*​
​(Coldwater Species) - $18.00 per inch
Bass, Pike, Sunfish, Etc.*​
(Warmwater Species) - $15.00 per inch
Saltwater Fish*​
(Small, up to 15") - $18.00 per inch
(Over 15", Replica Mounts Only!) - $20.00 per inch
*One Sided Mounts, For two sided mounts, add $10.00 per inch​
*$100.00 Minimum on all fish work.​
​(All Breeds) - $1,000.00 & up
(All Domestic Breeds) - $1,000.00 & up
Rabbits - $425.00​
Guinea Pigs ​ - $225.00
Mice​ - $100.00
Hamster/Gerbil​ - $150.00
Rat s​ - $ 200.00​
Snakes​ & Lizards - $15.00 per inch​
​​Parakeet/Lovebird- $250.00
(Larger than parakeet) - $300.00 & up
Finches - $200.00
​Fish - See Fish Pricing​
Alligators & Caimans​
(1'-5') -$150.00 per foot
(5'-13) -$300.00 per foot​
ALL Dogs, Cats, and "Pet" Animals 100% deposit before ANY work will be performed. NO EXCEPTIONS! NO refunds on Deposits!
All pets are mounted using traditional taxidermy techniques and NOT freeze dry. I will create and sculpt a mannikin unique to your pet and traditionally mount the tanned skin over this form. Every effort will be made to ensure that your pet looks like YOUR pet. I ask that prospective clients bring in several clear photos of their pet when alive to help achieve the unique look of the their animal.
Pets are priced differently than wild game animals simply because they are more difficult to work with and everything is custom made. I cannot purchase supplies "off the racks" for these specimens and everything is created from scratch to mount them. Pet taxidermy is a labor intensive process that may take months to complete, so please be advised that this is NO instant gratification from pet taxidermy after the passing of your animal.
Please understand that I can NOT recreate the look of your pet as it was when it was alive perfectly. I do not know the "personality" of your unique pet and therefore can only attempt to recreate the look of it to the best of my ability. The animal may LOOK like your pet, but it will not be soft, warm, and breathing like you remember it. I highly advise prospective clients to keep the pet frozen for a month or two before going forward with taxidermy options of their loved one.
Antler Mounts​​
​(Deer) - $125.00
(Elk) - $175.00
Tanned Trapper Skins - Price Varies, Please Call.​
Rugs w/Mounted Head & Felt Lining - 75% of Life Size Mount Price
1/2 Life Size Mounts​ - 75% Of Life Size Mount Price
Habitats - Due to the unique nature for every customer's needs, Custom Habitats for Mounts are priced on a case by case basis.
All Life Sized mounts, Birds, & Fish will come with a basic base, driftwood or panel (customer's choice.) I encourage clients to bring pieces of driftwood, logs, stumps, etc with their mount if they wish to incorporate it at no charge. ​
Panels for Game Heads - $50.00-75.00 extra
Terms of Service
​​*Adam M. Clossin's Taxidermy accepts payment through Personal Check, Cashier's Checks, Money Orders & PayPal™
*Adam M. Clossin's Taxidermy accepts NO responsibility for the legality of harvest of the specimen(s) checked in. All licenses, tags and identification must be presented at the time of check-in.
*50% minimum deposit required prior to commencement of work.
*Due to factors beyond the taxidermist’s control, such as field care and prior handling of the specimen, all tanning, whether done in-house or otherwise is done at owner's risk.
*Mount(s) not paid for in full and picked up within 30 days of being notified of completion, become property of Adam M. Clossin's Taxidermy and any deposit will be forfeited. Mount(s) may be sold or otherwise retained by Adam M. Clossin's Taxidermy.
*Estimated completion dates are tentative and subject to seasonal demand and other factors.
*Adam M. Clossin's Taxidermy, its owners or employees will NOT be held responsible for loss or damage of specimens or other items resulting from: Theft, Fire, Vandalism, Flood, Third Party Loss or Damage, or any act of God that is beyond our control.
*Checks returned for any reason will result in a $50 returned check fee.
*Adam M. Clossin's Taxidermy reserves the right to retain possession of all work until checks for final balances clear for payment. NO work will be released from the studio until the balance is paid in full. NO EXCEPTIONS! Any canceled order will result in a $50 service charge & forfeiture of deposit. No cancellations after commencement of work permitted.